For the first time ever in Judah history, the choir program sent students not only to the ILMEA district choir but also to the ILMEA all-state chorus.
The first accomplishment came at the district level. Drawing students from Champaign and nine surrounding counties, the Illinois Music Education Association’s district 3 high school and junior high choirs assembled more than 200 high school students and 150 junior high students. These 350 young singers included five students from Judah: three high schoolers and two junior highers.
Together, the high school and junior high district choirs performed at the Illinois Music Education Association’s district 3 festival, which took place on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois.
Judah junior high students Ezra Nuesiri, Anthony Rozier, and Zachary Bailey were all invited to sing in the junior high district choir, although only Ezra and Anthony could attend and perform. Three Judah high school students were invited to perform in the high school choir: Leila Kennedy, Anya Kennedy, and Rylee Krall.
While five students might not seem like a lot compared to the more than 350 people in the two district choirs, it is actually an impressive number for a school of Judah’s size. According to Mrs. Christa Kennedy, Judah’s choir director, “Several schools that have had choir members every year in the district choirs only had one or two of their students get in and perform, and they are bigger schools than we are.” An ILMEA organizer for the junior high choir told Judah, “Less than half of the students who audition make it in. If all three of your junior high singers made it, that’s a statement of their quality.”
Such statements show just how big of an achievement for Judah this is. Even though Judah is a much smaller school than others in the area, our students were able not only to match the musical talent sent by bigger schools but to surpass their numbers as well.

But the honor and achievement of Judah choir students didn’t stop there. Two students who performed at the ILMEA district 3 festival had the honor of being invited to the ILMEA all-state chorus. Leila Kennedy and Anya Kennedy were chosen from among their peers for their outstanding performances at the district choir. So, on Saturday, January 27, 2024, the two Kennedys represented Judah and sang together at the Peoria Civic Center as part of the exclusive ILMEA all-state chorus.
Leila and Anya have been singing in choir since junior high, but they have enjoyed music since they were kids. Leila said, “I have loved singing ever since I was a little girl. I grew up with music.” Anya added, “I like the freedom that music gives, because it gives you a way to express yourself.”
But choir isn’t just a way for Leila and Anya to express themselves through music. It’s a cooperative effort between every person involved. Anya said, “Doing the all-state choir and the district choir has made it clear to me that choir is very much a team effort. Someone could sing the best they could possibly sing, but if the rest of the choir doesn’t put in that much effort, then the entire choir suffers.” Anya called choir “a team sport.”
Anya and Leila have made their mark in the Judah history books. In being the first Judah students to sing in the ILMEA all-state chorus, they have proven themselves and the Judah choir program up to setting a new standard going forward. “We have a lot of potential with this program,” commented Leila. “I’m excited to watch it grow.”
Judah’s choir program has allowed its high school and junior high students to perform among the state’s most talented young singers. Like Leila, we too are excited to watch the program grow and to see it hit new high notes in the years to come.
—Zach Schaefer, class of ’25